Born in Switzerland in 1972 Studies on philosophy, history, psychology and linguistic at the Free University Berlin. Art studies at the University of Art Berlin, at the National Art Institute Surikov Moscow and at the Chelsea College of Art and Design London. MA Fine Arts at University of Arts, Berlin Lives and works in Berlin and Basel. |
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Grants + Residencies |
2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2003 2003 2000 1998 |
project grants: Foundation Edith Maryon; Foundation Ostschweizer Kunstschaffen, Switzerland catalogue grant by the cantonal governments of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland. project grant, government of Grisons, Switzerland artist in residence Pro Helvetia, at Centre for Contemporary Art Kronika, Bytom, Poland exhibition grant: Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council project grant, sitemapping, Swiss Federal Culture Office project grant, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Germany project grant, Käthe Dorsch Foundation Germany artist in residence, Nairs Foundation, Switzerland exhibition grant, Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council work acquisition by the cantonal government of Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland residency and project grant, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany catalogue grant by the cantonal governments of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland exhibition grant, Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council Erasmus grant at the Chelsea College of Art and Design London NICA grant at the National Art Institute Surikov Moscow |
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Projects + Exhibitions + Screenings (selection) |
2014 2013 2012 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2001 2001 |
SABBATICAL. Time for homework: Open gaps between the teeth. Harvest, dehusk, sift and re-cultivate the field. LAST EXIT | Tschüß Kunstsystem - Bye bye art system! (single) GELD FÜR ALLE!, Nextex, St. Gallen, Switzerland (single) MOTIVATIONSFORSCHUNGEN, Hotel Lischana, Scuol, Switzerland (single) KEEP SOME DOUBT FOR THE DOUBT, Parkhausprojects, Berlin CREDIT #6 / ECONOMIC VALUES I, Centre for Contemporary Art Kronika, Bytom, Poland (single) CREDIT#5, Museum of State University of Pará, Belém, Brazil (single) OUR HOUSE IS YOUR HOUSE, symposium, geh8, Dresden (with berlinerpool) CHANCES OF CRISIS, symposium, arttransponder, Berlin (with berlinerpool) 48 HOURS NEUKÖLLN, art festival, Berlin (with berlinerpool) PREKARIUM, Gallery IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna, Austria ARTSWAP EUROPE, Akademie der Künste Berlin (with berlinerpool) BERLINERPOOL, mobile artists archive, Berlinische Galerie, State Museum of Berlin BERLINERPOOL, Relaunch (artists archive, internet platform, project development module) TRAVERSE VIDEO 2008, Goethe Institut Toulouse, France STEADY STATE, Old Kingscity Brevery Berlin 20e FESTIVAL DES INSTANTS VIDEO, Galerie Histoire de l’Oeil, Marseille, France CAPITAL, Skånska Hypoteksföreningen, Lund, Sweden (catalogue) CURRAINT D’AJER, Nairs Foundation, Scuol, Switzerland (catalogue) SACROW - CHATEAU IVRE, Schloss Sacrow, Berlin (catalogue) LAUFWERK.TMP.DATARESCUE, projectspace /tmp Berlin KREDIT #1-2, arttransponder Berlin (single) CLIPS, Kunstverein Tiergarten/Galerie Nord Berlin ERNTE 06, Kunsthaus Baselland, Switzerland REGIONALE 7, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland REGIONALE 7, Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany ENTREE DES ARTISTES, project space M54, Basel, Switzerland VIDEOKUNST, Kunstsalon Wilde Gans, Berlin PLASTICIENS DU WEB, Centre Pompidou, Paris FLUXUS 2005, 5th international Film Festival on the Internet ETWAS FEHLT IMMER, Galerie Inges, Berlin (single) FORUM MEDIAL, Schlossfreiheit, Berlin PURGATORIO WIE WIRD MAN, WAS MAN IST? Theater am Halleschen Ufer Berlin (single, catalogue) STILL MOVING, Kunsthalle M3, Berlin 3 AUS 10 - MEISTERSCHÜLERPREIS, University of the Arts Berlin SCHAU DER MEISTER-KLASSEN - DIE KLASSE REBECCA HORN, Galerie Hengevoss-Jensen, Hamburg (catalogue) REGIONALE 2001, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland |
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Bibliography |
"Geld für alle", Kristin Schmidt im St. Galler Tagblatt, 7.6.2012 "Sieben mal sieben", Andrea Kessler auf saiten Ostblog, 25.5.2012 “Warum stehst du morgens auf?” Von Franco Brunner, in: piz das Magazin für das Engadin und die Bündner Südtäler, Schweiz. Nr. 42, Winter 2011/2012 "Schaschinar e star pachific i'l Hotel Lischana", in: La Quotidiana, Südostschweiz, 08.08.2011 "Schaschinar e far pachific", in: Engadiner Post, 04.08.2011 “Pequenas Narrativas do Cotidiano”, in: Diaro do Pará (Belém-PA, Brazil) 12.07.2010 "Ein Künstler als Banker", in: Westphälische Nachrichten, 29.05.2009 "Die Krise schafft neuen Input in der Kunst”, in: TAZ Berlin 28.08.2009 “An Kunst partizipieren lassen”, in: Atelier 12.2007, Atelier Verlag Köln CAPITAL 2014; exhibition catalogue, published by the city of Lund 2014, Sweden SACROW CHATEAU IVRE, exhibition catalogue, Publishers Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2007. ISBN 978-3-88221-382-9 “Win-win-Situation”, in: TAZ Berlin 04.04.2007 “Landkarten der Identitäten”, in: Regioartline art magazine, Freiburg/Basel, 12.2006 FLUXUS 2005, 5th international Film Festival on the Internet, Selection (DVD); Zeta Films, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2005 MONAT DER FOTOGRAFIE Paris-Berlin-Wien, November 2004 Berlin. Catalogue from the exhibition „Monat der Fotografie“ Published by Museumspädagogischer Dienst, Berlin 2004. ISBN 3-930929-20-1 JOHANNES BURR, KROTTFORSCHUNGEN und andere Verflüssigungsstrategien. Arbeiten 1996 2003. Catalogue from the exhibition: „Purgatorio Wie wird man, was man ist?“ at Theater am Halleschen Ufer, Berlin 2003. ISBN 3-00-010970-6 SCHAU DER MEISTERKLASSEN: Die Klasse Rebecca Horn. Exhibition catalogue. Published by Galerie Hengevoss-Jensen, Hamburg 2001 |
johannes burr, 2004-2014